Unit Histories
This section contains histories and photos for the various component units that comprised the 17th Airborne Division. Click on a unit below to view the history; on the right side of each page is a link to view photos. Much of this information has been obtained by the Scions of the 17th Airborne from the National Archives in College Park, MD. The units below were components of the 17th Airborne Division during all or part of its existence.
17th Airborne Parachute Maint. Company
139th Airborne Engineer Company
155th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion
193rd Glider Infantry Regiment
194th Glider Infantry Regiment
224th Airborne Medical Company
411th Airborne Quartermaster Company
464th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
466th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
513th Parachute Infantry Regiment
517th Airborne Signal Company
680th Glider Field Artillery Battalion
681st Glider Field Artillery Battalion
717th Airborne Ordnance Company
Division Band
Military Police Platoon
Recon Platoon
389th Quartermaster Company (attached)
550th Infantry Airborne Battalion (attached)